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Friday, September 25, 2009 Y 8:37 PM
Wish for ur smile.

21 sept..

-Its my b'dae!
-Toy museum w BB
Dear frenz: Thx for all the wishings..
Dear BB: I luv u..


Y 8:16 PM
Wish for ur smile.

19th Sept..

-I luv mj session
-I luv PRB
-I luv the presents
-I luv Bakerzin strawberry shortcake
-I won 3 bucks


Wednesday, September 9, 2009 Y 6:18 PM
Wish for ur smile.

- Crystal jade buffet and Cold rock! at holland V wit PDM 7/9
- I onli rmbed i went to holland V
- I have tink alot these days w no conclusion
- My birthdae is comin but PDM is flyin off to India
- I ask sy to buy curry powder for mi at India
- I prepared lunch for my sis wks ago but it failed becuz my cabbage turns black
- I had nightmare 3 days ago
- I failed my BTT and i plan to gib up if i fail agn
- Care and concern is what i always wan


Y Her

`Bsc(hons)in Optometry
`21/9/90 =)

Y Motto

`Future optometrist
`Care and Concern

-No symptoms, no treatment-

Y Events


Y Junkbox


Y Credits

Designer: Shalini ♥
Song: Imeem
Image hosting: x
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